Tuesday 17 July 2012

Our final day in Takeo and an Aussie BBQ

Today was our last day in Takeo, and it was an emotional day...
In the morning we had breakfast, and drove off to the markets to get supplies for the planned feast. Unfortunately someone (Freya) led us into the fish market... Yes, unfortunately is correct. If you put aside the floor covered in fish guts and some sort of muddy cloths, the putrid smell was enough to quicken our pace by triple.

We returned to the centre, ate lunch and then the preparations began.

After a little chaos in the beginning with so much to do and so many ingredients to deal with, the prep group managed to get a sort of production line established. After three hours we turned a huge load of corn, carrots, pumpkins, capsicum, pork etc etc, into vege and meat skewers, little vegetarian burgers, potato salad, rice salad and fritters. The kids enjoyed it, this made us happy.

There was a bouncy castle, rain, mud, music and fun times. It was an epic end to our day and almost ten days in Takeo. The most difficult part of our time in Takeo was parting from the kids. I think I can safely say most of us had formed a bond with most of the kids there, I know I found it quite difficult saying goodbye to a little girl there (Soklina) who I really bonded with.

The tuk tuk ride home didn't make things easier... We are proud to say we came close to the Cambodian record of 18 people in a tuk tuk, however since one australian basically equals two cambodians, fitting in 15 Aussies (15 wailing aussies) it deserves recognition... It might be worth mentioning that for most of the drive home the front wheel was lifted off the ground. (No Exaggeration) Tomorrow we drive to Siem Reap, it's not the end...........

Shay :)

1 comment:

  1. Waiting to see a photo of you all squashed into the tuk tuk. what an adventure you are all having!
