Tuesday 10 July 2012

Ben West on day 2

2012- Day 2
After the wonderfully explorative adventures of yesterday it seemed that everyone was happy just to be off the ground so most tolerated the extremely standard airplane food and went around their business of sleep to their hearts content on the 5 hour plus trip. Now being someone who has never left Australia before every little new thing such as the slightly moldy smell of the airport to the disorienting squatting toilets stood out. But other then that an airport is still an airport so siting in it for the 4 hour interval at Kula Loopa was just as bad as anywhere else made worse by the soggy croissant for breakfast and confusing structure that looked the same from the four different angles. But those who went to the noodles house for breakfast assured me it was wonderful.

The first step off the plane at Cambodia was like being slapped in the face. The heat, humidity and smell was overpowering. But there was no time to take it slow and enjoy it all, we were jumping straight in. From lunch in the Bodhi tree, we had to try and keep our food down as the tuk-tuk driver took us on a suicide run to S-21 where the horrific genocide was displayed from the Khmer Rouge era. So from there we followed in the foots steps of the many misfortunate souls who had been taken to the Killing Fields and saw the dimpled land of many mass graves as well as the ways in which they were killed.

After the sad but educational day it was nice to help out some street kids as we met for dinner at Friends, a place run by homeless and/or uneducated children. There we had some of the best mango chicken ever to compromise the sweet ice cream that followed as we walked back to the hotel.
Because of the hassle with the flights and sleep deprivation most of the day was very tiring and blurry for some but worth it as we all crashed that night with enthusiasm.

Lynne- Sent from my iPad

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