Tuesday 10 July 2012

Day 1 begins

2012- Day 1 continued

2am on Friday morning
Well the title basically sums it up... The day continued... And continued...
It's about 2am right now and we should be on a flight to KL, but no. That would be too nice and too simple, so our flight was delayed a couple of hours. But don't worry we had the comfort of overly priced cafe food and airport seats to pass the time. Although this is a minor set back from the amazing trip we are about to embark on, we have made the use of the extra time by, talking, playing card games, getting to know each other and frequent trips to the toilet because someone (shay) doesn't know how to hold her fluids...

3:50am on Friday morning
We boarded the plane at 3:50am with our little hopeful minds thinking we were on our way to cambodia, well turns out our plane didn't want to fly. The plane tried to take off twice, with the 1st time fooling most of us into thinking we were in the air. So with broken hearts and tired bodies we UN-boarded the plane, and resumed the comfy seats in the lounge that we missed so much.

5:20am on Friday morning
It's now 5:20am you think we would be happily on our way to cambodia by now, well no... We are delayed another 4 hours, because I think they just realized HOW MUCH WE LOVE PERTH!

8:00 am on Friday morning
It is now 8:00am and we have just heard the great news THAT OUR FLIGHT HAS BEEN CANCELED!!!!!!!!!! So we are now RE-entering Perth, yes RE-entering, after waiting 10 hours for our plane.The teachers have remained chill through out this mayhem. Andy was calm and in control with Lynn doing the same... And Geoff, well Geoff was becoming a big daddy, sticking up for us on the plane, after our rude fellow passengers. I guess Cambodia is just going to be better and better the longer we have to wait for it.

6:55pm on Friday night
It is now 6:55pm we were supposed to have been in Cambodia 10 hours ago... BUT NO!!!!! No no no no nononononononononno. Instead now we have been transferred to a hotel and had a hectic and rough 9 hours. Now finally we are making our way to the airport AGAIN, to check in, go through customs and hopefully, HOPEFULLY board a plane that is capable of flight, but knowing our luck this past 24 hours the wings on the plane will probably fall off...

7:59pm on Friday night
So now we are waiting in yet another line, waiting to check in for our flight that leaves at 8:30pm, so either that is going to leave without us, or it should be delayed again. Delayed, man I am getting so used to that word, when I hear it on the mega phone I get chills down my spine. So basically we arrived at perth airport at 10pm on thursday night, it is now 8:00pm on Friday night and we are hoping to be in phnom penh on Saturday morning, around 11:00 am... So after this travelers nightmare, we should get there, with only one day lost... But right now, just been able to get on the plane is asking a lot.

Xoxo gossip girl

Lynne- Sent from my iPad

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