Sunday 24 July 2011

Temples anyone?

Day 14 21st of July

Today we had a reasonable sleep in compared to yesterday but we were out the door by 8.30, on our way to Ta Prohm. After a quick trip in the mini bus we arrived at our destination. The temple was made famous because Tomb Raider starring Angelina Jolie was filmed there. When we got there it was a small walk through the jungle to the main part, which is covered in moss and old trees growing through the buildings. Ta Prohm was very overwhelming because it was so secluded in the jungle. After taking many photos and exploring it we were off to another temple.

The drive between temples was beautiful because of the jungle and the architecture. We arrived at Takeo temple feeling nostalgic for the orphanage. The temple was amazing because we had to climb very steep steps to reach the top but the view was worth it. The carvings and details on the rocks were mesmerizing. After admiring the view we had to climb back down and go to lunch, so it was back into the mini bus. After a short trip we were back in the city and we went to the small restaurant where we had lunch. The place was quite small and it took a while for everyone's food to come. So long in fact that Jamie, Brandon and Isaac decided to eat chillies that were so hot Jamie had to stuff his face with rice.

After lunch we went back to the hotel for an afternoon nap so we were refreshed for our next outing. Feeling refreshed we piled into the mini bus and traveled to the museum. Whilst there we learned more about the temples we had seen and the Cambodia culture. Then we went back to My Home to get ready for dinner. That night we went to the Cambodian barbecue where we chose our meals of chicken, crocodile, beef and snake and then cooked it ourselves at the table. It was an odd experience but it was quite cool when you got the hang of it.

After dinner it was off to the night markets for some serious haggling and souvenir shopping. After the long day we had it was off the sleep and rest for the next day.

Hollie Gibbons

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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