Friday 15 July 2011

Day 7

This morning we went back to an early rise. We arose at 6.15 am to go to the markets at 6.30 am in order to make it back in time for breakfast. At the markets we experienced the confronting aroma of freshly slaughtered animals and also empathy for those who had their fate yet to come. Going to the markets at this early time gave us more of an idea of the culture of Cambodia.

After breakfast those who were not given the opportunity to visit little poe yesterday had the chance to do so today and the rest of the group spent their time relaxing at the guest house. At 2.00pm we all made our way to the orphanage some choose to take the bikes through the pouring rain and others chose the dryer option and took the tuk tuk. When we arrived at the orphanage we got the computers out and began our computer lessons teaching the kids basic computer skills, helping them to write stories on microsoft word, teaching them how to make a power points and how to use paint.

We  then went to play with the kids. Some of us played football and volleyball while others danced, sung, played fighting games and the girls braided each others hair. We then gave the kids strings to make bracelets with. Everyone came home with at least one bracelet and we all enjoyed watching the kids make them for us.


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