Friday 11 July 2014

No really, this is the last day of school!

Today I learnt how to make a bracelet, I have spent about half an hour on it, yet I've only completed a small fraction of the task. This mini-experience in itself highlighted to myself the attitude, that of which is incomprehensibly positive of the NFO children. This was because the NFO children could comfortably make two or three bracelets in the same time period. Sure they have done it before, sure I was only beginning, but to take upon a skill, and furthermore to master it in the circumstances that these children are and have been in is nothing less than inspiring. Although their stories are shocking, and although life is difficult they remain strong and maintain a positive attitude for the future.

My group's trip to Ben Mao was to be our last form of volunteer work in Takeo's English learning schools. Although the other groups made their respective trips to Po, Little Po and Ohana there was a general sense of unison in the type of feelings that people withdrew from the experiences. It was emotional, but it was a time that we do and we will reflect on with great happiness. This was because it was the last time we would see the children that we were volunteering for and the amazing teachers that we were aiding in doing so. Personally, on my trip to Ben Mao my moment of the day was my interactions with two deaf children in the classroom. Although they couldn't hear they still made their best possible efforts in their pursuit of the English language. But what amazed me the most was the personal interaction they had with me and the others during the time. They were cheeky and drew lovely drawings but although they were deaf I still had fantastic conversations with them. For me, this epitomized the spirit of the Cambodian children in that although in the face of many daunting circumstances they remained focused on the future and lived the present to the fullest.


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